
Join us in beautiful Beaver Creek Resort
Colorado Chamber Music Institute is designed for advanced teenage Violinists, Violists, Cellists, Guitarists and Flutists who are interested in expanding their chamber music training. Selected students will have the opportunity to work daily with members of a professional string quartet, along with receiving daily private lessons and coaching. Both independent musicians and pre-formed chamber groups are welcome to audition. Please join us for this fabulous music making experience in the picturesque setting of Beaver Creek, Colorado!
Colorado Chamber Music Institute Curriculum includes:
Classes: Each day will include chamber music coaching, individual lessons, individual practice time and more! The students will have meals as a group and enjoy fun evening activities!
Tuition: $2,550 includes all coaching, meals, lodging, and activities at our 7 day/8 night institute at Beaver Creek Resort, June 20 through June 28, 2025. Payment plans are available.
We are fortunate to have fabulous faculty on board as well as our resident artists from the Twin-Cities based Lux String Quartet! ( Stephanie Skor, Kirsti Petraborg, and Rosa Thompson-Vieira bring a wealth of performing and coaching knowledge to our team, and we are so excited that all accepted applicants will get a chance to work closely with them throughout the week.
Weekly Schedule: (Subject to change)
3:45 Check in at Vilar Performing Arts Center
4:00 Welcome meeting and tour
4:30 Check into teen lodging rooms
5:00 Dinner and Socialize
6:30 Meeting with faculty
7:00 Breakfast
8:00-12:20 Classes/Rehearsal/Practice
12:20 Lunch
1:40-4:50 Classes/Rehearsal/Practice/Master Class
6:00 Dinner
6:30 Evening Activities include: Hikes, Campfire, Movie Night,
Evening Concerts, Karaoke Night and more!
Friday Evening
5:00-8:30 Final Concerts
9:00 am Room Check
10:00 am Check out of Hotel and Depart (early departures on Saturday morning can be accommodated)

Instrument Rental and Repair
One of the realities for all musicians young or not, is travel with an instrument. For students and teachers traveling to us here are some options for getting an instrument while you are attending the Colorado Chamber Music Institute.
All rental instruments through Luther Strings must be prearranged by end of day Wednesday, May 31st. Click here for forms and pricing: ALL CELLISTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A DISCOUNTED CELLO RENTAL THROUGH OUR RENTAL PROGRAM.
- Bring your own: The most reliable is to bring your own instrument, bow, all your own appliances such as shoulder rest, chin rest, rosin, end pin stop, etc. If you are flying, many instruments will fit into the overhead bins as a carry on. For larger instruments such as full size cello, another option is to own, borrow, or rent a travel case and check the instrument OR:
- Rent instruments from Luther Strings. You can now rent a violin, viola or cello from Luther Strings. All rentals MUST be prearranged by Wednesday, May 31st. To reserve an instrument, use the form below. Adjustment to a rental instrument is always easier if you are playing with your own bow so plan to bring your bow with you and end pin stop.
- Ship your own instrument to your hotel: Keep the packing material and then repack and arrange return shipping to your home via USP or FedEx pickup at your hotel when you depart. All hotels will assist you and hold your instrument in a secure location until you arrive. Robertson Violins has produced very helpful videos to show how to pack your instrument for safe travels. Plan ahead so that you and your instrument arrive safely
- IMPORTANT: Cellists who are chosen to attend can recieve a $200 tuition credit to help with rental or transportation of their instrument. Contact us for details.
The Colorado Chamber Music Institute is proud to offer partial work-study scholarships
In order to be considered for a scholarhip, students must:
- Complete scholarship application
- Send a copy of pages 1 and 2 from your IRS tax form 1040 from the most current year. (If possible, please black out social security numbers before sending.) Scan and email to or postal mail to: Colorado Chamber Music Institute, 3440 Youngfield St. #111, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
All scholarship applicants will be notified within 30 days of the completed application. Institute scholarship awardees are required to provide up to 3 hours of service to CCMI in the form of ushering or other activities.
Scholarship assistance is available, but it is limited. Please also consider investigating your local community (religious groups, schools, arts, civic organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, etc & private donors) for alternate sources of financial aid.
- Work-study scholarships of up to $500 are awarded to highly qualified candidates based on the following criteria:
- Financial needs of the participant
- Musical ability of the applicant demonstrated through an online video audition
- Programming needs of the Institute

Good Health in the Mountains
Weather: The Weather can be unpredictable in the Rockies. Afternoon showers are likely so bring a poncho or umbrella. Nights and early mornings can be very cool – it could snow!! Be prepared by bringing a warm jacket and long pants. Days could be in the 70-degree range.
Altitude: Altitude syndrome results from not as much oxygen in each breath as the body is used to having. Symptoms include headache, restlessness, fatigue, insomnia, breathlessness, and sometimes nausea. Some cases produce severe shortness of breath and cough, requiring medical treatment.
Remember theses important do’s and don’ts:
Open wide at least one window every night to allow fresh air to replenish oxygen in the air you breathe. The cold won’t hurt you. The lack of oxygen will.
Hyperventilate (take fast and deep breaths) before each exertion. This gives your body more oxygen to work with.
Do not overexert the first day or two at altitude.
Sunburn: At high altitude sunburn is more likely. Remember these things:
Apply total sun block preparation with at least a 15 rating to all exposed areas several times each day.
Apply to the lips the same sun block.
Wear extra dark glasses or goggles when the sun is bright to protect your corneas.
Allergy: Symptoms of allergy are common in the mountains. This is partly related to the absence of air conditioning and filtered air causing 24-hour exposure to the pollen and house dust. If these symptoms are severe there is a shot that can be given to give dramatic relief of symptoms.
Giardia: This is an amoeba infection in the gastrointestinal tract causing severe diarrhea and cramping. It comes from the mountain streams, almost all of which are contaminated. It can be caught from drinking the water or washing hands or utensils in the water or even from pets that wade or swim in the water. Be sure to learn proper methods of preparing the water before drinking it. This condition requires medical treatment.